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 The Application

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Male Number of posts : 565
Age : 34
Registration date : 2008-12-07

The Application Empty
PostSubject: The Application   The Application Empty11/12/08, 11:39 pm

Note: You do NOT need to register on the forum to apply.

To apply copy this and paste it to a new topic in this forum.

In order to apply please fill out this forum in its entirety; if not filled out properly it will be ignored:

1 ) What is you in game username? and coordinates? (

2 ) How did you find our alliance, or who told you to apply? (

3 ) How active are you, how many times do you log on a day? And for how long? (

4 ) Are you being attacked? If so, by who, and why? (

5 ) What other alliances have you been in this round? And why did you leave? (

6 ) What is your past travian experience? (

7 ) How many macemen does it take to kill a rat with all surviving? (

8 ) How many crannys do you need? And how many do you have? (

9 ) Which tribe is the best defenders? (

10)Last but not least, why do you want to join our alliance?(
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The Application Empty
PostSubject: application   The Application Empty07/03/09, 03:30 am

1 ) What is you in game username? and coordinates? (name:gunner49er co-ordinates:-29/-150.

2 ) How did you find our alliance, or who told you to apply? (i found the alliance because there is a player near me (kevirl).

3 ) How active are you, how many times do you log on a day? And for how long? (i log on every 2 hours.

4 ) Are you being attacked? If so, by who, and why? (no havent been attacked.

5 ) What other alliances have you been in this round? And why did you leave? (none so far.

6 ) What is your past travian experience? (played on this server 3 time before and became quite successful best was rank 400ish.

7 ) How many macemen does it take to kill a rat with all surviving? (i have no idea but as many as it takes.

8 ) How many crannys do you need? And how many do you have? (u only need 1 and i have 1 but wen ur warehouse gets to bout 35000 its no point in having a cranny.

9 ) Which tribe is the best defenders? (gauls.

10)Last but not least, why do you want to join our alliance?(i wish to play along side experienced players
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The Application Empty
PostSubject: application   The Application Empty07/03/09, 03:31 am

1 ) What is you in game username? and coordinates? (name:gunner49er co-ordinates:-29/-150.

2 ) How did you find our alliance, or who told you to apply? (i found the alliance because there is a player near me (kevirl).

3 ) How active are you, how many times do you log on a day? And for how long? (i log on every 2 hours.

4 ) Are you being attacked? If so, by who, and why? (no havent been attacked.

5 ) What other alliances have you been in this round? And why did you leave? (none so far.

6 ) What is your past travian experience? (played on this server 3 time before and became quite successful best was rank 400ish.

7 ) How many macemen does it take to kill a rat with all surviving? (i have no idea but as many as it takes.

8 ) How many crannys do you need? And how many do you have? (u only need 1 and i have 1 but wen ur warehouse gets to bout 35000 its no point in having a cranny.

9 ) Which tribe is the best defenders? (gauls.

10)Last but not least, why do you want to join our alliance?(i wish to play along side experienced players
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The Application Empty
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